Home Schooling: Tips and Suggestions

If you are an Australian parent who wishes to home school your child, you certainly wouldn’t be alone, as many parents educate their children at home, and for a variety of reasons. Some live in remote regions and one of the parents might be free to school their offspring, others feel they can offer their children at better education than the state, and providing the child passes state examinations, as they would at regular school, then a parent is allowed to educate their child at home. Even better, get yourself teacher t shirts to make it more legit!
Here are some tips and ideas if you are about to take on the responsibility of educating your child at home.
- Create a classroom – If you visit https://grocorp.net.au/planning–design-service you can view a wide range of classroom furniture and essential learning resources, plus they have a free classroom design service. All you have to do is fill in the online forms, give all information that you think suitable, and you will receive a free design. They also have all the furniture and resources you might need, and they deliver to your venue.
- Make Good Use of the Internet – The World Wide Web is the best learning platform there is, and it is vital that you and your child have a computer and a stable Internet connection. There are many early learning resources online and you can prepare lesson plans and make good use of printouts.
- Develop Creativity and Imagination – The first 7 years of a child’s life are known as the formative years, and it is during this time that you should develop the child’s creativity and imagination. Story-telling is a great way to stimulate a young child’s imagination, and you can ask your child to guess what happens next when you reach a certain point in the story.
- Set a Routine – It is very easy to lose discipline when teaching your own child, therefore you should set a learning schedule and always stick to that. Your child should learn in short sessions, 15-20 minutes, for young children and gradually increase this to one hour, and you should not force a subject on the child. The great outdoors is a perfect classroom, so in the nice weather, go somewhere nice and learn about the nature that is surrounding you.
- Lesson Planning – If you haven’t already planned a few lessons, this is something to learn, as all teachers create a lesson plan that outlines the topic and expected outcome, and the state will provide you with a link to the website that contains information about the Australian curriculum. This is something you should refer to on a weekly basis and make sure that you cover all the contents in your teaching, as this will be included in written tests that your child must take.
- Learning Resources – You will have to make an initial investment to acquire learning resources such as books, games, educational toys and other learning resources, and if you do some online research, this will help you with your purchases. Art supplies, clay and lots of paper would all be great resources for a young child, and the online suppliers would have a wide range of learning resources.
More and more Australian parents are opting to educate their children at home, and if you have the time and would like to give your child the very best education, why not school your son or daughter at home?