Should You Worry about your Car Accident Injury Claim Going to Court

If you’ve recently been in a car accident and sustained injuries, you are probably wondering how it’s going to affect your life and what will happen next. Hopefully, you’ve gathered all the proper information and documentation for your attorney, as well as kept all your doctor’s appointments.

Gather Information

These are important steps to take any time you’re in an accident and particularly if you are experiencing ongoing medical issues as a result of a car crash. Be sure to collect all evidence, including details of what happened and contact information for everyone involved, including any witnesses.

You’ll want to keep detailed records that include insurance information of all parties involved, contact information including driver’s license numbers, phone numbers, and addresses, as well as photographs or videos of the scene, which will serve as evidence to support your case. 

Seek Medical Treatment

If you or someone else was visibly injured during the crash, you should call 911 immediately. The most important thing after an accident is to make sure everyone is safe. Emergency responders and law enforcement will keep records of any immediate injuries. 

Even if you think you weren’t injured during the car accident, it’s important to see your medical provider to rule out any hidden injuries. Many times, you might feel fine but even a small bump or bruise can turn into more pain and trauma in the days, weeks, or months after an accident.

Your doctor’s medical records will serve as evidence that you were hurt during the car crash in the event that you need to seek compensation for medical bills or lost wages. If you don’t see a doctor, you may give up your rights to recover damages pertaining to your physical injuries.

Do Not Admit Any Fault

Even if you believe the accident was at least partially your fault, never accept any blame for an accident. You might find out later about other unknown factors that contributed to the accident, so admitting blame could ruin your case when it comes to getting proper compensation.

This is important in California, a state that uses a system called pure comparative negligence. This means that each person involved is responsible for their portion of responsibility. Admitting fault could forego this system and unfortunately determine you are 100 percent responsible for any damages or compensation.

Will You Have to Go to Court if You File a Car Accident Injury Claim?

Most of the time, car accident claims can be resolved outside of court. Insurance companies will try to settle quickly and for as little as possible. That’s why it’s so important to have a bay area auto accident lawyer working for you. Your attorney will be sure you get fair compensation without settling for less.

Under no circumstances should you discuss your case with an insurance company or accept a settlement without proper legal representation. Insurance companies want to offer you as little as possible and although it may seem like a good deal, the only way to know the full value of your claim is with the help of an experienced attorney.