Improve Your Night Routines – Top Tips for Sleeping Better

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that 1 in 3 people in the United States don’t get sufficient sleep. This can result in long term health problems. 

When you’re sleep-deprived, you can be at risk of being overweight, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, depression, lack the skills of concentration and productivity, have a lower metabolism, and weak immune system. None of these is ideal for a healthy lifestyle.  

We understand that insomnia and other sleep issues make it challenging to stay at rest the whole night. For this reason, we have our expert tips on how to sleep better at night. 

Have a Good Mattress 

Your bed should be comfortable and supportive. Some people enjoy sleeping on a soft cloud-like bed, while others prefer a firmer one. As long as it’s perfect for you, that’s all the matters. 

Memory foam mattresses are a fantastic option as they come in many varieties. This Old House has a post about it and goes more into depth about tips for choosing the correct memory foam bed for you and your spouse. 

Limit Blue Light Exposure

Today, we use our devices at all times of the day, but this could be messing up your natural sleep cycle. We all have a circadian rhythm, which tells our brain when it’s time to be up and when to sleep. 

It works with sunlight; however, blue light can trick your brain into thinking it’s still day time, so you’ll stay awake. Instead, you should refrain from looking at computer and smartphone screens at least 2 hours before you plan to go to bed.

If this doesn’t seem feasible, invest in blue light glasses, which block it out, so you can still enjoy scrolling without the adverse effects. 

Don’t Consume Caffeine or Sugar Late  

Caffeine is a great way to get us moving in the morning and provides enhanced focus, performance, and energy. Sugar spikes our insulin and glucose absorption, which result in excess energy. 

These are good before a long day at work or a sporting event, but too late in the day, you could experience difficulty getting to sleep. Caffeine stays in our bodies for 6 to 8 hours. 

You should try to have your last caffeinated or sugary drink at 2 pm and no later. You’ll be able to comfortably get to sleep by 10 pm without any excess energy or restlessness. 

Refrain from Napping 

Napping can be used as a way for an afternoon pick up, but anything more than 20 minutes will affect your circadian rhythm. Your body will think it’s night time in the middle of the day, and the opposite at night. 

It’s a better idea to stay awake and get to bed a few hours early than taking a long midday nap. This will keep your sleeping schedule regular and aid in quality rest. 

Don’t Consume Alcohol

Although many people believe a glass of wine relaxes them and helps them sleep, it does the opposite. Alcohol can indeed calm us during the evening, but there are negative effects once asleep

Alcohol alters natural melatonin production, which is the hormone that makes us feel sleepy. It can also cause snoring, sleep apnea, and doesn’t let your body heal. Your organs process the alcohol while you sleep when it should be repairing itself. 

Have a Nighttime Routine

Our brains are very responsive to routines. When you always perform the same ritual before you go to sleep, your body will soon realize these are signals to start producing melatonin and prepare for rest. 

The routine can be custom to your needs. Take a relaxing shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, get into bed, have a mug of caffeine-free tea, such as chamomile, or read. Whatever you do, make sure it promotes relaxation and is similar every night. 

The Bottom Line

Getting enough sleep each night has positive effects on your mental and physical health. It should be a priority for you to have a sleep routine. 

To aid in quality rest, make sure you have a comfortable bed, limit blue light exposure, don’t consume caffeine or sugar late, avoid napping, refrain from alcohol, and have a nighttime routine to signal your body to get ready for rest. When you start to do these things, you’ll soon have a better sleep at night.