5 Ways Hollywood Is Becoming More Eco-Conscious

It’s no secret that Hollywood is one of the most influential forces in society today. The actors we admire and the films we watch play a critical role in shaping the world’s values and trends. With this being said, Hollywood is starting to recognize the enormous responsibility they have, particularly when it comes to the earth. Hollywood is starting to become more and more eco-conscious, and for a good reason—here are some ways how.
“Green” Film Production
Movie and television sets have a huge impact on the environment. A great example is the movie The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio. During the filming process, the coral reef on Phi Phi Island was significantly impacted, forcing Hollywood to consider its carbon footprint. Since then, more and more Hollywood productions are embracing green film production. From using sustainable materials to opting for energy-efficient equipment, the idea is to practice eco-friendly measures throughout the filming process.
“Green” Red Carpet Events
Red carpet events are major ones, with plenty of waste and energy consumption associated with them. Recently, these event organizers have started to recognize how excessively wasteful these events can be, and as such, they’ve started implementing more sustainable measures. From eco-friendly materials to recyclable dinnerware, green event organizing is all the rage.
Some celebrities have even done their part by opting for clothing designers who strictly design with sustainable materials and ethical practices.
Hollywood has produced many environmentally-themed documentaries recently in an effort to raise awareness around eco-topics. Because of the huge influence Hollywood has on global opinion, some of these documentaries have resulted in significant mentality shifts among film viewers.
These documentaries range from discussing climate change to how to protect endangered species. Thanks to storytelling and impactful imagery, more and more people are becoming educated and inspired to contribute to a greener earth.
Renewable Energy Sources
Some production companies have jumped on the renewable energy source bandwagon. Over the last year, several films have been powered entirely by solar panels rather than relying on fossil fuels. Some studios are working towards 100% renewable energy-powered film sets, which is a significant stride for the entertainment industry.
Since movie stars have a significant influence over the public, many of them are using this power for good. Movie stars are joining forces with their favorite eco-friendly causes and helping shed light on how people can save the earth.
By using their platform to support eco-friendly causes that are most important to them, people are starting to wake up thanks to their advocacy. A great example is Pamela Anderson, who has partnered with nonprofit organizations to support the protection of wildlife. Not only does she advocate for these causes, but she’s also known for donating a substantial amount of money to them.
Although we still have a long way to go, Hollywood’s shift towards more eco-friendly practices is a step in the right direction. As more and more production companies start to embrace the role they can play in contributing to a greener earth, the more eco-responsible our world is becoming as a whole.