Why Donating to Nonprofits During the Pandemic is Important

Although millions of Americans lost their jobs due to the pandemic, it’s still contemporary to donate to nonprofits. Many organizations are struggling even more than those who are unemployed are. Homeless shelters, animal shelters, and medical centers who don’t profit from any assistance they give are really struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic. For economic reasons, if you are not financially secure enough to donate, there is so much else that can be done to support nonprofit organizations. Shalom Lamm, donates to his choice of nonprofits to show his support during such a worldwide crisis. 

There are about one and a half million nonprofits just in the United States. There is at least one that everyone can choose from to support. Even a few dollars can help charities and organizations support their own employees and maintain the company. With volunteering not being permitted due to coronavirus, it may seem difficult to some on how to give back. Returning goods to your community can really help build the local economy by stabilizing jobs and by keeping people healthy.If you can’t donate money, there is so much more that can be done. For example, donating nonperishables that might have been sitting in your pantry for a few weeks can really help out homeless shelters. Donating old clothes or electronics can also benefit many families who live without technology or can’t afford new clothes. Shalom Lamm empathizes that donating anything can really help communities flourish. Yes, it may take extra time out of your day, but that’s the point. So many people need to feel supported during such uncertain times. By donating, so many families can start to rebuild their lives again.